Compiler prototype for the Flocc data-parallel language. Takes high-level Flocc data-parallel programs, and searches, generating different possible implementations in C++ and MPI, compiling them and measuring their runtime to try and automatically generate fastoptimal distributed-memorycluster implementations.
- Compiler
- Back
- Compiler.Back.AllTemplates
- Compiler.Back.Arrays
- Compiler.Back.Back
- Compiler.Back.CartTopology
- Compiler.Back.ControlTemplates
- Compiler.Back.FromFront2
- Compiler.Back.Gen
- Compiler.Back.GenDecls
- Compiler.Back.Generators
- Compiler.Back.Graph
- Compiler.Back.GraphBuilder
- Compiler.Back.GraphInterpretter
- Compiler.Back.Helper
- Maps
- Compiler.Back.ScalTemplates
- Compiler.Back.ShowGraph
- Compiler.Back.StrTemplates
- Compiler.Back.Templates
- Compiler.Back.TypeNames
- Compiler.Back.Vars
- Front
- Planner
- Types2
- Compiler.Types2.Builder
- Compiler.Types2.DepTypeAssignment
- Compiler.Types2.EmbeddedFunctions
- Compiler.Types2.FillGaps
- Compiler.Types2.Substitutions
- Compiler.Types2.TermBuilder
- Compiler.Types2.TermLanguage
- Compiler.Types2.TypeAssignment
- Compiler.Types2.TypeInfo
- Compiler.Types2.TypeLexer
- Compiler.Types2.TypeParser
- Compiler.Types2.Types
- Compiler.Types2.Variables
- Back
- Main