Stability | experimental |
Maintainer | |
Safe Haskell | None |
For more information please see
- data SCacheSt = SCacheSt {}
- emptyCacheSt :: SCacheSt
- type SCacheM = StateT SCacheSt IO
- runWithCache :: SCacheM r -> IO r
- setSolCtx :: SolCtx -> SCacheM ()
- getSolCtx :: SCacheM SolCtx
- clearCache :: SCacheM ()
- readOrCreateFile :: String -> String -> IO String
- loadCache :: String -> SCacheM ()
- saveCache :: SCacheM ()
- getSolCost :: SolId -> SCacheM AvgSolCost
- getSolInfo :: SolId -> SCacheM (Maybe SolMetaInfo)
runWithCache :: SCacheM r -> IO r
clearCache :: SCacheM ()
readOrCreateFile :: String -> String -> IO String
readOrCreateFile filePath defaultValue. Tries to open |filePath and return the contents. If file doesn't exist |creates it writing defaultValue to it, and returns defaultValue.
getSolCost :: SolId -> SCacheM AvgSolCost
getSolInfo :: SolId -> SCacheM (Maybe SolMetaInfo)