
Safe HaskellNone



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type Cost = Int

type CastId = ([String], [Idx], Cost)

type Casts = IntMap [Idx]

type CastNames = [([String], Int)]

type Sol = (Expr, TyEnv, Cost)

type Option = (Expr, Cost)

castNames1 :: CastNames

Node: head of lists are applied first

nextIntLst :: Int -> [Int] -> Maybe [Int]

filterDups :: [Maybe [Int]] -> [Maybe [Int]]

takeUntil :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool

isRight :: Either a b -> Bool

filterCastsByDom :: Monad m => [(Int, TyTerm)] -> TyTerm -> IdxMonad m [Int]

filterCastsByDom castList domTy. Returns all casts whose domain type |unifies with the type given, and whose range type doesn't unify with |the type given. i.e. returns a value that doesn't match the given type |from a value that does.

filterCastsByRan :: Monad m => [(Int, TyTerm)] -> TyTerm -> IdxMonad m [Int]

filterCastsByRan castList ranTy. Returns all casts whose range type |unifies with the type given, and whose domain type doesn't domain type |doesn't unify with the type given. i.e. returns a value that matches the |given type, from a value that doesn't.

getCastTypes :: Monad m => FunTys -> CastInfo -> IdxMonad m (IntMap TyTerm)

Returns functions types for the casts, by getting the types of the individual |cast functions in the cast chains, and unifying the intermediate types to |get the types for the whole cast chains.

applyCasts :: Monad m => CastInfo -> Casts -> Expr -> IdxMonad m Expr

applyCasts casts expr. If there are casts for expr in casts |returns expr, with the correct chain of cast fun apps, otherwise |returns expr.

applyCastsM :: Monad m => CastInfo -> Casts -> () -> Expr -> IdxMonad m Expr

applyCast :: Monad m => Idx -> Int -> Expr -> StateT Idx (InsertCastM m) Expr

applyCast expr expId castId. Checks if the current expr's id matches |expId, and if it does returns expr nested in a function application |that calles the castId cast function.

applyCastToExpr :: (Monad m, MonadCatch m) => Expr -> Idx -> Int -> InsertCastM m (Expr, Idx)

applyCasts casts expr. Returns expr with casts inserted |as function applications.

lookupExpTy :: Monad m => TyEnv -> Idx -> IdxMonad m TyTerm

lookupExpTy tyEnv expId. Returns the type of expId in tyEnv, |with term vars renewed. If tyEnv doesn't include expId returns |a new term var.

icAvgCost :: ICState -> Float

icCurrentAvgCost st. Returns the average cost of all currently found solutions.

type InsertCastM m = StateT ICState (IdxMonad m)

data CastCandidate

CastCandidate. (CCand ast curExprIds usedCastIds cost exprId castId) |ast is current AST to apply this cast to. curExprIds are the ids of the |expressions involved in fixing the current constraint (basically the expr |ids of the originally broken expression, and all the cast fun apps applied to it). |usedCastIds is a list of the cast ids that have already been used to try and |mend the current constraint. Cost is the current cost of this candidate |(including the cost of the current cast castId that has yet to be applied to ast). |exprId is the expression the cast fun app should be applied to, and castId is |the id of the cast to apply to it. |Note: ast, curExprIds, and usedCastIds haven't had exprId and castId applied |to them yet. Only cost includes the cost of castId.


CCand Expr [Idx] [Idx] Idx Int Cost 

data CandidateResult

tryCandidate return codes. |1) type checks (is a solution) and so doesn't return |more candidates, 2) doesn't type check but mends current constraint and |so returns candidates to mend this next constraint, 3) doesn't type check |and doesn't mend current constraint but returns more candidates to try, |and 4) doesn't mend current constraints and no more candidates to try |i.e. cast insertion fails.

insertCasts3 :: [CastCandidate] -> [(Cost, [CastCandidate])] -> [Sol] -> InsertCastM IO [Sol]

insertCasts3 curCands numPartialSols nextCands sols. Tries to insert casts in |a breadth first order, so that shorter chains of fun apps are tried before longer |ones. Tries all the candidates in curCands until there are either enough partial solutions |(numPartialSols >= maxICSols2) to start processing nextCands, or enough complete solutions |(length sols >= maxICSols2) to return. It is safe to not explore all options (i.e. |throw away curCands when we have enough partial solutions, because we know that shorter |solutions will be visited before longer ones (? is this true?). Sorting partial solutions |in order of ascending cost should ensure that the cheapest solution is always returned found first. | (Aim: to find shortest chains of redists to fix constraints before longer ones) |Problem: looking for shortest sequence of redists can lead to non-optimal solution |e.g. might use an expensive repartVMap rather than a mirrVMap.saveVMap.

tryCandidate :: CastCandidate -> InsertCastM IO CandidateResult

tryCandidate candidate. Evaluates this candidate, to see if it is |a solution, or if it needs more casts to be applied to it.

checkSolution :: Sol -> Bool

checkSolution sol. Returns true if this solution is valid. |Currently checks if solution's types use any partition dimensions, and if |not, returns invalid, thus filtering out solutions that mirror everything.

getNextCandidates :: Expr -> TyConstr -> TyEnv -> [Idx] -> [Idx] -> [Idx] -> Cost -> InsertCastM IO [CastCandidate]

Generates candidate solutions that might mend the current constraint, to be tried by tryCandidate.

insertCast :: Expr -> [Idx] -> [Idx] -> InsertCastM IO [Sol]

insertCast ast castL exprId. insertCast tries to make ast's types |unify by inserting cast function applications at expressions that |break constraints. It tries to work on one expression (exprId) at a |time, until it nolonger causes a constraint failure. castL lists |the current cast function var ids that have been applied to the current |expr, so that the same cast fun isn't applied twice to a given expression. |exprId starts by refering to the expr that broke the constraint, and then |later to the highest cast func app applied to that expr.

insertCast2 :: Expr -> [Idx] -> [Idx] -> InsertCastM IO [Sol]

insertCast ast castL exprId. insertCast tries to make ast's types |unify by inserting cast function applications at expressions that |break constraints. It tries to work on one expression (exprId) at a |time, until it nolonger causes a constraint failure. castL lists |the current cast function var ids that have been applied to the current |expr, so that the same cast fun isn't applied twice to a given expression. |exprId starts by refering to the expr that broke the constraint, and then |later to the highest cast func app applied to that expr.

findCasts1 :: CastNames -> FunTys -> FunIds -> Expr -> IdxMonad IO ([Sol], String)

insertCastBF ast castL exprId. Breadth first. insertCastBF tries to make ast's types |unify by inserting cast function applications at expressions that |break constraints. It tries to work on one expression (exprId) at a |time, until it nolonger causes a constraint failure. castL lists |the current cast function var ids that have been applied to the current |expr, so that the same cast fun isn't applied twice to a given expression. |exprId starts by refering to the expr that broke the constraint, and then |later to the highest cast func app applied to that expr.

findCasts funTys funIds ast. Searches for applications of cast |functions that make ast's types unify. Solutions are returned in |order of ascending cost. Works by iteratively trying to infer types |and trying to mend one constraint at a time by inserting cast functions |and then re-type-checking.

getCastFunEids :: Expr -> [Idx]

getCastFunEids exp. Returns a list of the expr ids of the (Var cast) expressions in exp.

getCastAppEids :: Expr -> [(Idx, Idx)]

getCastAppEids exp. Returns a list of expression ids for cast fun apps, where fst is app expr id, and snd is cast var expr id.

getExprTys :: Monad m => IntMap TyScheme -> [Idx] -> IdxMonad m [(Idx, TyTerm)]

getExprTys tyEnv eids. Returns the types for all eids in tyEnv, throwing an error if an eid in eids is not in tyEnv.

getCastsForTy :: TyTerm -> [CastId] -> [CastId] -> InsertCastM IO [CastId]

getCastsForTy ty cands sols. Searches all chains of candidates cands in a breadth first order, to |find a chain of casts who's type will unify with ty.

castNames2 :: CastNames

All redist and relayout functions. |Note: head of lists are applied first

findCasts2 :: Int -> FunTys -> FunIds -> Expr -> IdxMonad IO ([Sol], String)

findCasts funTys funIds ast. Searches for applications of cast |functions that make ast's types unify. Solutions are returned in |order of ascending cost. Works by identifying places that casts are |needed by mending broken constraints by inserting cast :: a -> b. |Then gets the types inferred for these dummy casts, and searches for |chains of redist functions with types x -> y that unify with them |(e.g. a -> b :=: x -> y unifies). Then replaces these dummy casts with |these chains of functions.